Friday, October 4, 2013

Dream Unfulfilled.

Looks like I may have to change the  name or delete this blog.

I have become extremely discouraged waiting to go to Abu Dhabi.  I received my visa and itinerary the end of August, but my name was wrong and was told they were going to fix it.  Today is October 4, and still no news.  Its discouraging, depressing, distressing, and I don't think I can do it any more.  The rumor on Facebook today was no more tickets will be issued until after Eid, a Muslim Holiday, which will occur Oct 13-19.  If that is the case, we will not be leaving until close to November.  There are so many reasons this is not acceptable.

1. We have no health insurance and can not afford the Cobra premiums on just Chuck's disability payments.  I have no income coming in.  What savings I had, are almost gone. Chuck's medications will soon need to be refilled. If we wait and go in November, he will have maybe 2-3 weeks of meds. We will have to rush to find a doctor an money to get his medicines.  I just do not see how this will be possible.

2. I was told to be ready to leave the first two weeks in August. Then the first week in September. Then end of September. ADEC wants  you all over there by September 18th. Well, its October 4, and several of us are still here with no idea, and I mean NO IDEA when we will be going over.  Meanwhile ADEC and the recruiting company are interviewing for new teachers to go over in January.  This does not seem fair to those of us waiting.  I have made friends with some administrators who are going over. They were told all the teachers would be sent over prior to the administrators. Today I found out the administrators are starting to receive their flight information. I still know nothing.

3. If we wait much longer, the few jobs that are available here, will not be available much longer. I need to move now.  As it is, they will be on a interim basis and I will not be guaranteed a job next year.  I have given up my tenure and basically will have to work 2 years to get it back...if that is even an option in NC anymore.

I have not made this decision lightly.  I want to go to Abu Dhabi.  I feel not going I am giving up any opportunity I may have to be out of debt, possibly buy a house, travel abroad. So much I feel like I am giving up.  I have to think long term also.  So unless God sees it willing to send me my visa and ticket prior to someone offering me a job.  I'm giving up.

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry that this is happening to you! Prayers for you!
